ホーム > 観光・名産 > 観光・レジャー > 観光・名所 > 観光ポータルサイト「旅たび相模」 > Popondetta with Odakyu Train Gallery
At the Popondetta with Odakyu Train Gallery, visitors can choose model trains to run on the large railroad diorama (fee required). The gallery is very popular with children.
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Giant Keyaki (zelkova)
The "Ebina's Giant Keyaki" is a large zelkova tree estimated to be 580 years old. It stands at the entrance of the approach to the Sagami Kokubunji Temple. It is a tourist spot that few people know.
Imafuku Yakuimon Park
Imafuku Yakuimon Park was once the site of the Imafuku family's residence, and is home to trees with medicinal properties as well as rare plants and flowers. It is a very quiet historical park surrounded by greenery, with a warehouse and yakuimon (roofed gate) built around 1850 at the end of the Edo Period.
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