ホーム > 電子県庁・県政運営・県勢 > 地方分権・自治・外交 > 国際政策・貿易 > Kanagawa Local Japanese-Language Education(English)



Kanagawa Local Japanese-Language Education(English)

This section descrebes the direction of local Japanese-language education policies in Kanagawa.

Kanagawa Local Japanese-Language Education

This section describes the direction of local Japanese-language education policies inKanagawa.

Direction of Local Japanese-Language Education Policies in Kanagawa

The law concerning the promotion of Japanese-language education enacted in June 2019 designates the responsibility of local public organizations. Kanagawa Prefecture studied the status and issues surrounding the Japanese-language education policies of municipalities at the time, and considered the roles of administrative offices, Japanese-language volunteers and relevant institutions. In March 2020, the prefecture summarized how it would handle Japanese-language education in the communities of our prefecture.

Portal site “Kanagawa de Nihongo (Study Japanese in Kanagawa)”

This is a portal site for local Japanese-language education in Kanagawa.This site provides various information on Japanese-language classes.


Japanese-language classes for beginners – Geared for foreign residents (hajimetenonihongo) 

This is an intensive Japanese-language class for Kanagawa foreign residents who are just beginning to learn Japanese. The class is taught by a specialist who incorporates hints on everyday living into the lessons.


Japanese-language class support and information is provided

Various information is provided on Japanese-language classes, places where people can learn Japanese, such as Japanese-language schools, and resources on learning methods—including ICT materials—for Kanagawa foreign residents who want to learn Japanese. The information is provided via the Internet and phone.Information is provided in various languages, as necessary.

In addition, for those who would like to offer support, such as Japanese-language volunteers, information necessary for volunteer activities is summarized and provided via the Internet.

soudan_en   online_en


Kanagawa-area Japanese education forum

Lectures on programs related to local Japanese-language education and panel discussions by well-informed persons provide an opportunity for everyone to consider the future of local Japanese-language education in Kanagawa together.


Japanese-Language Learning Support Practitioners (Leadership-Type Personnel) Training

This training is designed to show the merits of Japanese-language classes, which serve as venues for mutual understanding between Kanagawa’s foreign residents and local communities and as local multicultural bases. 


This connects to the “Kanagawa de Nihongo (Study Japanese in Kanagawa)” website.

(When there are openings, they will be announced there.)


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