ホーム > 観光・名産 > 観光・レジャー > 観光・名所 > 観光ポータルサイト「旅たび相模」 > 神奈川県県央地域(宮ヶ瀬湖・相模原)その他名所・エリアガイド







Showa Bridge

Showa Bridge
Completed in 1931, the Showa Bridge links Sagamihara City and Atsugi City.

Takata Bridge

Takata Bridge
The Takata Bridge first crossed the Sagami River in 1924. Its name is derived from the first characters of Takamine Village on the right bank and Tana Village on the left-the villages the bridge connected. Guzo-no-Watashi (Guzo ferryboat dock) and Tana Shukuba (a post station) were located nearby at the time. The current Takata Bridge was selected as one of the "Top 100 Beautiful Bridges in Kanagawa".

Pine trees at Nihonmatsu Intersection

Pine trees at Nihonmatsu Intersection
The pine trees that gave the area its name still thrive at the Nihonmatsu (Two Pines) Intersection. 

Oginopan Headquarters Factory

Oginopan Headquarters Factory
Ogino's Tanzawa Anpan is a bread with a thin crust filled with red bean paste made from blending 10 to 12 different types of paste, depending on the season. Each bread is hand-wrapped by master bakers. Visitors can take a tour of the Oginopan Headquarters Factory, which is very popular with children as well.

Mii Long Bridge

Mii Long Bridge
Mii Long Bridge spans the middle of Lake Tsukui. A 212-meter-long through bridge completed in 1964, the vermilion-colored span is a symbol of the lake and was selected as one of the "Top 100 Beautiful Bridges in Kanagawa". 

Sanogawa District, one of the best 100 countrysides in Japan

Sanogawa District, one of the best 100 countrysides in Japan
The Sanogawa district is considered one of the "Best 100 countrysides in Japan" for its townscape, which includes terraced fields on the mountain slopes and earthen-wall storehouses, as well as for its traditional ways of life.

Fujino Art Village

Fujino Art Village
Fujino Art Village is a new type of art village that brings together the studios and galleries of local artists in Fujino.




Nanbanya Garden Coffee Bean Roasting Factory

Nanbanya Garden Coffee Bean Roasting Factory
At the Nanbanya Garden Coffee Bean Roasting Factory, visitors can observe the charcoal roasting method that Nanbanya has been perfecting since it was established. 




Megmilk Snow Brand Ebina Factory

Megmilk Snow Brand Ebina Factory
Visitors to the Megmilk Snow Brand Ebina Factory can observe the production process of milk and drinkable yogurt. 

Ayumi Bridge

Ayumi Bridge
The Ayumi Bridge, completed in 1996, connects Ebina City and Atsugi City.

Giant Keyaki (zelkova)

Giant Keyaki (zelkova)
The "Ebina's Giant Keyaki" is a large zelkova tree estimated to be 580 years old. It stands at the entrance of the approach to the Sagami Kokubunji Temple. It is a tourist spot that few people know.




Toppan Media Printec Tokyo Zama Factory

Toppan Media Printec Tokyo Zama Factory
This is a printing factory for the Asahi Shimbun newspaper. After watching a video that introduces the newspaper production process, take a tour of the factory to see the high-speed production process of the evening editions to be delivered that day.

Nissan Heritage Collection

Nissan Heritage Collection
There are always about three hundred cars on display here at the Nissan Heritage Collection, including classic cars from the 1930s, famous cars throughout the ages, and race cars. It is an enjoyable spot for both adults and children.

Southern tip of Sagamino Kisen

Southern tip of Sagamino Kisen
The Sagamino Baseline, established in northeastern Kanagawa Prefecture, is one of the starting points (baselines) for triangulation in Japan. It is registered as a Japanese Civil Engineering Heritage Site.

Banjinsui spring water

Banjinsui spring water
Banjinsui spring water gushes out from behind Bankyodo, a small shrine located under the terrace on the south side of Zama Park. This spring supplies water for fire prevention and to moisten the streets.




※ 下記のリンクにつきましては、別ウィンドウで開きます。


相模原市の「遊ぶ」 相模原市の観光スポットの情報。〔情報提供〕/相模原市観光協会
津久井地域観光スポット 津久井の見どころ紹介。〔情報提供〕/津久井観光協会


厚木観光ナビ 厚木市内を流れる相模川や小鮎川の風景、三川合流点や公園に咲く桜などの写真を紹介する「あつぎの風景」を"ブロードバンド放送局サイト"で公開。〔情報提供〕/厚木市


やまとの観光・見どころ 大和市の観光と見どころを紹介。〔情報提供〕/大和市イベント観光協会


歴史 海老名市の名所、史跡などを紹介。〔情報提供〕/海老名市(えびなめぐり)


観光 座間のみどころについて写真とともに紹介。〔情報提供〕/座間市


観光ガイド 「あやせ観光ガイド」の情報をPDFファイルで提供。〔情報提供〕/綾瀬市


愛川景勝10選 宮ケ瀬ダム、いちょう並木など、愛川町の景勝をコンパクトに紹介。〔情報提供〕/愛川町観光協会


宮ケ瀬湖の観光スポット 宮ヶ瀬湖の3地区、「鳥居原エリア」「宮ヶ瀬湖畔エリア」「ダムサイトエリア」の紹介。〔情報提供〕/公益財団法人宮ヶ瀬ダム周辺振興財団
宮ヶ瀬湖ライブカメラ ライブカメラを使用した、宮ヶ瀬やまなみセンターからの眺望。〔情報提供〕/公益財団法人宮ヶ瀬ダム周辺振興財団


動画ライブラリー 県内イベント、風景、市町村のCM、街の賑わいや技能の紹介ムービー。〔情報提供〕/公益社団法人神奈川県観光協会
パンフレット 観光パンフレットをご家庭で閲覧・印刷するためのページ。〔情報提供〕/公益社団法人神奈川県観光協会





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