ホーム > 観光・名産 > 観光・レジャー > 観光・名所 > 観光ポータルサイト「旅たび相模」 > Pine trees at Nihonmatsu Intersection
The pine trees that gave the area its name still thrive at the Nihonmatsu (Two Pines) Intersection.
Wada-no-Sato Experience Center "Village House"
Visitors can enjoy a wide variety of hands-on events such as bamboo crafting and making konjac in a nostalgic landscape selected as one of the "Top 100 Villages of Japan." The facility is very popular among children.
Tana Hachimangu Shrine
Tana Hachimangu Shrine has a history of more than ten centuries. Local people and visitors love the shishimai lion dance dedicated to the gods at the annual festival in September.
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