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Photo Topics (Oct. '23)


Special Exhibition: Buddhist Statues of Ashigara

Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Cultural History will hold the special exhibition from October 7 to showcase a collection of Buddhist statues of the Ashigara region.  The region is the western part of Sagmi-no-kuni, one of the old-time administrative provinces, which encompassed two cities and eight towns, including current Odawara City and Hakone Town.  This exhibition is highly valuable as the Buddhist statues of this region are usually not open to the public or open only in the limited time and days.  A series of seminars to learn Buddhist statues of Ashigara and a workshop for children will be held along the exhibition.  For further information, please visit the website. (in Japanese)

Buddhist statues

特別展 足柄の仏像




Learn about Local Fungus of Kanagawa

Though fungus such as mushrooms and mold are often seen in everyday life, their true natures are in mystery.  Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History is holding an exhibition to introduce Kanagawa’s local fungus, including species newly discovered in Kanagawa or its vicinity, rare fungus in danger of distinction, and mushrooms familiar in Japan.  Why don’t you have a look at the world where a variety of funguses inhabit?  Visit the museum and join a voting event to choose the most popular local fungus!

Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History (Japanese)






生命の星・地球博物館 (日本語)