ホーム > 観光・名産 > 観光・レジャー > 観光・名所 > 観光ポータルサイト「旅たび相模」 > 神奈川県県央地域(宮ヶ瀬湖・相模原)の記念館・学習館・科学館







Sagami River Fureai Science Museum Aquarium Sagamihara

Sagami River Fureai Science Museum Aquarium Sagamihara
Aquarium Sagamihara exhibits many living creatures and reference materials with simple explanations to help visitors learn more about the Sagami River habitat.

JAXA Sagamihara Campus

JAXA Sagamihara Campus
The JAXA Sagamihara Campus has full-scale exhibits of the asteroid explorer Hayabusa2 and a M-V rocket. Although not well known, this place is a very enjoyable one for children.

Sagami Giant Kite Center

Sagami Giant Kite Center
In addition to exhibiting materials related to o-dako (large kites), Sagami Giant Kite Center provides a venue for various creative activities such as kite making to preserve and pass on Sagami's o-dako culture.

Sagamiko Memorial Hall

Sagamiko Memorial Hall
Sagamiko Memorial Hall was designed to introduce the role of Sagami Dam. Visitors can learn about Lake Sagami's history and wildlife and the role of the dam in an enjoyable way. This is a popular stop for road trips in the area.

Ozaki Gakudo Memorial House

Ozaki Gakudo Memorial House
Ozaki Gakudo Memorial House was built on the birthplace of Ozaki Yukio (pen name Gakudo), Japan's "father of parliamentary politics," and exhibits photographs, artifacts and other materials that tell of his activities.




Kanagawa Prefectural Natural Environment Conservation Center

Kanagawa Prefectural Natural Environment Conservation Center
The Kanagawa Prefectural Natural Environment Conservation Center has an exhibit about the wildlife of Tanzawa Oyama and surrounding communities. The outdoor area has wetlands, woods and other areas where people can enjoy the seasonal wildlife of the forest.

Kanagawa Prefecture General Disaster Prevention Center

Kanagawa Prefecture General Disaster Prevention Center
The Kanagawa Prefecture General Disaster Prevention Center has a section where visitors can experience earthquakes, windstorms, floods and other disasters, as well as exhibits providing various disaster preparedness information. It is a very interesting facility, especially for children who are conducting independent school science projects.

Kanagawa Institute of Technology Atsugi City Children's Science 

Kanagawa Institute of Technology Atsugi City Children's Science Museum
The Children's Science Museum has an exhibition hall and planetarium, and offers a variety of fun hands-on experiments and classes related to science and astronomy. It is recommended for children looking for topics for their independent school science project.




Cultural Creative Base SiRiUS

Cultural Creative Base SiRiUS
A cultural complex that opened in 2016, Cultural Creative Base SiRiUS features a library, arts and culture hall, lifelong learning center, indoor children's plaza and more. 

Yamato City Green-Up Center

Yamato City Green-Up Center
Yamato City Green-Up Center has a green gallery and training rooms that are used for exhibitions and classes on flowers and greenery throughout the year.

Yamato City Nature Observation Center "Shirakashi-no-Ie"

Yamato City Nature Observation Center "Shirakashi-no-Ie"
The Yamato City Nature Observation Center "Shirakashi-no-Ie" allows visitors to observe local animals and the environment surrounding them, and learn about the relationship between nature and humans. This facility provides things of interest to the whole family.




Kanzaki Ruins Museum

Kanzaki Ruins Museum
The Kanzaki Ruins Museum introduces the history and culture of Ayase through the Kanzaki Ruins, a Nationally Designated Historic Site. It is Ayase City's first historical learning facility.




Miyagase water&energy Museum

Miyagase water&energy Museum
The Miyagase water&energy Museum is a hands-on amusement facility. There are many unusual exhibits, such as the water intake gate operation experience, where visitors can learn how the water intake works by controlling a model of the Sagami Ozeki Weir. 

Aikawa Town Folk Museum

Aikawa Town Folk Museum
Located within Prefectural Aikawa Park is the Aikawa Town Folk Museum, where visitors can learn about the history and culture of Aikawa. The facility was built to preserve local materials and pass them on to future generations, as well as to serve as a base for disseminating information about Aikawa.






博物館 相模原市立博物館について。〔情報提供〕/相模原市
相模原市内の観る JAXA相模原キャンパスについて。小惑星探査機「はやぶさ」の模型展示などを紹介。〔情報提供〕/相模原市観光協会


子ども科学館 厚木市の子ども科学館について。〔情報提供〕/厚木市
七沢自然ふれあいセンター 厚木市の七沢自然ふれあいセンターについて。利用料金や自主事業の案内。〔情報提供〕/厚木市


つる舞の里歴史資料館 大和市域北部を中心とした歴史資料を展示。〔情報提供〕/大和市
下鶴間ふるさと館 市指定重要有形文化財の旧小倉家住宅の母屋と土蔵を復元。〔情報提供〕/大和市
郷土民家園 泉の森にあり、江戸時代に建てられた市指定重要有形文化財の古民家「旧小川家」「旧北島家」を移築復元。〔情報提供〕/大和市
自然観察センター・しらかしのいえ さまざまな生き物の展示コーナー、図書コーナーなどを設置。〔情報提供〕/公益財団法人大和市スポーツ・よか・みどり財団


郷土資料館 伝統的な撚糸機をはじめ、海底 紙、民具、農機具などを展示した愛川町の資料館「郷土資料館」について。〔情報提供〕/愛川町


美術館・博物館めぐり 県内の美術館・博物館を紹介。〔情報提供〕/公益社団法人神奈川県観光協会


あいかわ・つくい次世代エネルギーパーク 愛川太陽光発電所(愛称:愛川ソーラーパーク)を中心に、愛川・津久井地域に点在する水力発電所や太陽光発電施設により構成されています。〔情報提供〕/神奈川県企業局利水電気部発電課





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