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Photo Topics (May '24)


Enjoy the Ashigara Area with "Ashigara Map"

“Ashigara area” is located in the western part of Kanagawa Prefecture and is next to Hakone, one of the most famous Onsen (hot spring) resorts in Japan. The area consists of six cities and towns, and boasts its beautiful nature and landscapes. To show you the features of the Ashigara area at a glance, “Enjoy Ashigara MAP” is available now! With the map, you can see the tourist destinations, local delicacies, and outdoor activities.

We hope you fully enjoy the attractions of Ashigara area with the “Ashigara MAP”.

For more info, please see the link below:

ashigara map


神奈川県西部、温泉地として有名な箱根のとなりに位置する「あしがら地域」は、6つの市町からなる自然豊かな美しい地域です。そんなあしがら地域の観光スポット、グルメやアクティビティ、おすすめの周遊コースやイベント情報などが一目でわかるガイドマップ「Enjoy Ashigara あしがらMAP」が完成しました。ぜひ本マップをご覧いただき、魅力あふれるあしがらにお越しください!
